RRI: Responsible Research and Innovation
The LaserON research group is committed to RRI in each of the thematic areas addressed. Check the main actions in progress:
The LaserON research group shares the spirit of UNESCO's "Declaration on science and the use of scientific knowledge", especially in relation to the need for the practice of scientific research and its results to always be aimed at achieving the well-being of humanity, respecting the dignity and rights of human beings and the environment.
For this, LaserON adopts the structure for the management of research ethics put into force by the University in Vigo. There is an Ethics Commission that is subdivided into three committees: the Animal Experimentation Committee, the Biological Risks Committee and the Ethics Committee in research involving human beings and the environment.
In addition, it has a guide to good research practices and ethical recommendations.
LaserON researchers were pioneers to put into force the ethical code at the School of Engineering at the University of Vigo, and are 100% adhered to it:
Gender Equality
One of the priorities of the LaserOn research group, in line with Agenda 2030, is to promote a culture of respect, equality and inclusion, guaranteeing that all the people who make up our research group can carry out their research, academic and work activities with dignity and in a space free from violence of gender and maximum respect for human rights.
The Equality Unit of the University of Vigo is the political instrument responsible for the transversal incorporation of the principle of effective equality between women and men across all the university. To this end, it promotes measures that guarantee equal conditions and monitors and monitors compliance with the legislation and the plans that are adopted.
With the aim of ensuring that research and innovation processes (I+i) respond in a genuine way to society and are responsible in practice, LaserON has put into force specific actions as follows:
- Promotion of public-private collaboration. All senior researchers at LaserON are encouraged to make agreements with companies and partners from the industrial sector. Visits of researchers to industrial companies are fully covered by LaserON funds
- Develop mechanisms of transparency and good governance, of ethical behavior for monitoring university activity. All activities at LaserON are scrutinized by the transparency unit at the University of Vigo
- Establish management mechanisms to guarantee sustainable and socially responsible practices of the suppliers of the University of Vigo. LaserON IPs of projects, select suppliers for their projects that fully agree with the sustainable and responsible practices recommended by the University of Vigo
- Implement the European strategy for human resources in research (HRS4R). LaserON fully endorses the HRS4R policies
- Expand collaboration with public and private institutions of the University of Vigo outside the framework of the EURAXESS network
Open Access
LaserON is committed to Open Science as stated by the European Commission in its Open Science Policy.
At LaserON we fully agree with the Open Science Policy of the EU in the sense that when researchers share knowledge and data as early as possible in the research process with all relevant actors it helps diffuse the latest knowledge. And when partners from across academia, industry, public authorities and citizen groups are invited to participate in the research and innovation process, creativity and trust in science increases.
LaserOn fully endorses the objective 19 of the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan of the University of Vigo. In this sense, it has the INVESTIGO institutional repository, which collects, disseminates and preserves the scientific production of its research staff. The articles, books, chapters or parts of books, contributions to conferences and doctoral theses read at the university, constitute the contents of the repository.
In addition, LaserON takes advantage of the transformative agreements that the University of Vigo made with the main scientific publishers (ACS, Elsevier, Springer and Wiley) to have with each publisher and under the same contract, the subscription to journals and the option to publish the works in open access at no additional cost.
Public Engagement
At LaserON we are aware that there is a need for more open and inclusive research and innovation in which society can be listened to, awarded relevant input and influence during all stages of R&I.
The creation of the Scientific Culture Unit at the University of Vigo in 2018 gave impetus to the LaserON’s commitment to the socio-economic environment, working so that research results have a positive impact on society, contributing to its development at all levels, both through the transfer of the knowledge generated to the industry sector, and working to improve the scientific culture of the public.
The UCC+i, dependent on the Vice-Chancellor of Communication and Institutional Relations and the Vice-Chancellor of Research, is the backbone and coordinator of the University's scientific social communication activities and offers support and training to the research body both in the dissemination of the results of its investigations and in its activities the scientific culture in which it participates.
Science Education
Since its beginnings, researchers belonging to the LaserON research group have participated and participate in different Science Education activities.
In particular, the active participation of the members of the LaserON group in the EDUGAL education fair, in the Open Days organized by the University of Vigo, should be highlighted.
It is also worth highlighting the continued participation of our group in the scientific training of Vocational Training (Formación Profesional) students, such as the specific courses dedicated to the introduction of Laser Technology to the students of Colegio Hogar ABANCA in Vigo.